Well the time has come to stop using Wordpress for R2's site. From now on, we will be using our Facebook page to announce all his events and shows.
See you all on Facebook!
R2-A1's Facebook Page
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Long Beach Comic Con
R2 and the 501st invaded the 1st Annual Long Beach Comic! This was a great event and we are looking forward to next year!
501st ISO girl Marcella tattooing ISO Girl Terri (Awesome)
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Star Wars in Concert
The 501st Legion, Rebel Legion and R2-A1 and Mike Sennas R2-D2 were at the Honda Center to add atmosphere for the Star Wars in Concert event. Let me tell you, all the events we have done, this has got to be the most that we have ever had our picture taken! The costumer and droids we a big hit and the fans went crazy. The only bad part is is was so busy, that I did not get a chance to take any pictures!

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Discovery Science Center Visit
The R2 Builders Club, 501st legion and Rebel Legion were invited to the Discover Science Center in Santa Ana, Ca to promote the Robot event they have going on.
So Victor Franco (R2-D2), Max Cervantes (RT-R2), Vince Sanchez (R5-D4) and I took the boys out!
It was a great event and everyone loved the droids and the costumers.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Robot Chicken Skate Party LA Style!
A1 hit the party scene at Skateland in Northridge last night! We were there to help the Robot Chicken Crew promote the release of there Star Wars Episode II DVD release!
Seth, Matt and the 501st Crew!
Rileah Vanderbilt from the winner of the 2009 Lucasfilm Fan film award Saber!
Actress Ming Na
Seth and A1 on the Red Carpet
On the Skate Floor!
The Robot Chicken!!!
Yup, that's Fez! Wilmer Valderrama
The Robot Chicken Crew and my Birthday Cake!!!
Seth, Matt and the 501st Crew!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Lucas Fan Film Vid (Part 2)
Found a Youtube video of R2 giving his envelope to Seth Green at the Lucas Fan Film Awards!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Lucas Fan Film Awards 2009
A1 was invite to be a envelope presenter for the Lucas Film Fan awards show. Once we arrived, I was told that I would be working with Seth Green by giving him his envelope.
A1 and his envelope backstage..
I have to say, that I got goose bumps due the the crowds cheering, it was awsome! At the end of the video I think Seth says "That is so cool!"
Couple pics of Seth taking the envelope...

R2-A1 and Comic Con 2009
A1 invaded the San Diego Convention center this week for Comic COn 2009. I was invited to hang out at the Dark Horse Comics booth to help promote thier comics.
Vince Sanchez and his R2-D2 and use trying to get into the Convention Center!
This little guys mom told me we had spent all day looking for a black R2 toy! He was so excited when he found one at a vendor. But then he saw the real deal and went bonkers :)
Mary Franklin from Lucas Art
Mom and daughter love!

Sunday, July 5, 2009
Fanboys Screen Caps
I finally got around to grabbing a couple screen caps of A1 in the Movie Fanboys. You can see in the George Lucas office scene!

Friday, July 3, 2009
Legoland Tour of Duty
R2 was invited to entertain guest at Legoland in Carlsbad, Ca this weekend. As always A1 was a hit with the kids! The 501st and Rebel Legion also thrilled the crowd!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Fanboys Premier Screening Videos
Here are a couple videos on the Fanboys Premier that A1 Attended...
Jamie King shows love for the R2's!
Jamie King shows love for the R2's!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Gompers Elementry School Visit
My son Johnny asked me to visit his school with A1 for a show and tell. So of course we went! Nothing like driving R2 into a school full of kids stuck indoors due to rain.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Fanboys Premier Screening
A1 was invited to the star filled premier of the movie Fanboys. IF you remember from my earlier post, A1 is in the movie :) So I am glad to see it finally hit the big screen. And as usual the droid was a favorite at the event. Victor Franco and his R2-D2 joined us as well as the Godfather of R2's, Mike Senna.

Vic and Mike unloading the R2.
The cast from L to R, Sam Huntington, Kristen Bell, Chris Marquette, Dan Folger, Kyle Newman and Jamie King.

The Director, Kyle Newman. He told me that they added some sound to A1 for the movie, gotta see what they did!
Kyle Newman's wife, Jamie King was there also, she just loved the droids!
Dan Folger, Hutch in the movie took the time to take a pic with all the Droid builders and asume the Droid builders pose!
There were a lot of TV crews there, this is the reporter for Fox News, gotta find that clip!
David Denman for the TV series "The Office" came by and took a pic with us.
And I think this is my favorite pic of the whole night! Selma Blair came by and said she loved the droids!
Here's a clip where Jamie confesses her love for the droids....
This was a great event! A1 and I had a blast hanging out with the 501st and Rebel Legion folks. Now I gotta go see the movie on Friday :)
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Frank and Sons Star Wars Day
A1 reported for duty for the Frank and Sons Collectibles Star Wars day. This is always a great event. The 50st and the droids we mobbed by adoring fans! R2 was able to meet and patrol the area with a new Naboo Era droid, R2-A6. Dan Logan (Young Boba Fett), Amy Allen (Aayla Secura), Bonnie Piesse (Young Aunt Baru) and Matt Wood (Voice of General Grievous) were all at the show signing autographs.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Hobby and Craft Convention - Part 2
A1 invaded the Anaheim Convention Center today to support the Lucasfilm Licensee Creative Imaginations. They opened a line of Star Wars scrapbooking gear. Great event, lots of folks who were complete geeks. Not our normal crowd, one kid at the whole show (And he was one of ours!). Paris Hilton was there, but A1 had no desire to go meet her :P

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